Sunday, April 7, 2013

Game Graphics Assignment 10

This assignment ended up taking longer then it should have, but i am not too surprised because part of it was done on the flight home from montreal and the rest was still before my brain had recovered from Ubisoft and GDC.

The one mistake that took a lot of time was that when i was getting the index of a sampler for the shader, i was then just calling set texture even if it returned (uint)-1. This was causing pix to crash and eventually i just had to go in search of why pix was crashing to continue working on the assignment. I am not sure why it was causing problems now, i had that code in there for a few assignments. But now pix works again.
I had talked with people who were using the projected position instead of the view position, which i implemented first. However after an email from JP, i changed it over to use the view position. It makes no visual difference (that i can see) but it should be cleaner in all situations, where the projected position was a non linear depth.

Everything should be working.
Link to code

pix view of the depth texture, it is only showing the red color (because the texture is just R16F).

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