I really shouldn't have spent some much time working on the prototype this weekend. But it was quite a lot of fun. The biggest thing that I saw through using an engine was that we need more artists. An engine is made by programmers so that non programmers could make a game (not the whole thing but most of it). For example an artist or designer could make the particle system of the energy ball that the user fires. Without an engine a programmer would need to make that particle effect in code, but with the engine it is all buttons and values. The big thing that made me notice it was that i suck at making things look good. I was able to make everything mechanically work, but balancing and the visuals are not things I am very good at.
Since we don't have many artists and are going to make a game. The producers really need to learn to use the engine and be able to do basic things in it (like change values, change the map, and add in game objects). This isn't just because of our lack of artists even, if the producers want to be game designers they need to be able to use an engine anyway.
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